“Welcome to my personal website. As an imperfect yet aspiring servant leader and developer of people, I wanted a venue to share materials that people can use to help them be more successful in business, leadership and life. You may freely download and use the materials on this for non-commercial purposes and for the benefit of people within your organization. If you wish to use externally or for commercial purposes please contact me first.
You will find a variety of resources for your use – for business, church and personal purposes. You can order my book “Your Team Can Soar!” under Book tab, and find information about the speaking and training I provide under the Training tab. As a continuous learner myself, I would love to receive materials you have seen or developed so please send them my way. I wish you the very best of true success!

P.S. People value transparency – I want to be upfront that I am a devoted follower of the ultimate servant leader and developer of people, Jesus. If you have not yet had the opportunity to examine the claims and credibility of Jesus, I invite you to download and read the Bible Lesson (under Handouts) entitled “Is Jesus the Way”.